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My introduction to Camping...

I am always going to have great memories of camping. I had always been against sleeping outside and being potential breakfast for a bear! That was until the first time I actually went camping. I left for my trip a single woman and came home betrothed.

He had asked me several times to pack up a tent and some cooking gear and go enjoy the great outdoors. I'd always been very resistant to the idea, I like living among people and electricity. After several weeks of him asking me to go camping with him Cornwall, I said yes. We arrived there are the weather was beautiful, the view of the stunning scenery, and we set about getting the tent ready. After much struggle and profanity laced language, it was ready. I went inside and decided that it was cozy and not as bad as I thought it was going to be. We decided to walk around and explore the area, to get an idea of the lay of the land. He told me he heard running water and wanted to explore it. Imagine my surprise when we got to the stream and there were rocks that spelled out my marriage proposal. I instantly told him I'd marry him and we continued on with our exploration.


A couple of hours later we made it back to our campsite and built a fire. We made our dinner and then settled down for a view of the stars.

I'm so glad I decided to give camping a chance, it turned out to be the best experience I'd had in a long time. I can't wait to go again.

The photos are from the area in North Devon that we stayed.


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